4/3 D DIVA

The 4/3D is a allround talent, you can hear every day and
with every type of music. With good electronic you can power
this speaker to high levels, but notice, - with good electronic!
The development of our 4/3D is a big step in the construction
of cabinets. Cabinets tend to create their own resonances.
So these enclosures have been designed to damp down
unwanted coloration.
The complicated manufacturing of the cabinet takes much experiences and knowledge from the craftsmen.
Also the chassis have been revised and our high recommended
tweeter now runs 2.000 Hz- 25kHz, which is outstanding for
an 25mm fabric dome tweeter.
Also the other data you will not find a lot of in market as there is the sensitivity of 90dB/1W/1Metre and the perfect dry and deep bass down to 62Hz (-3dB) out of net volume only of 46,7 litres!
It’s a women- like loudspeaker with it’s nice design and the lot
of veneers and colours.
With the 4/3D you will require a loudspeaker which will reproduce all the dynamics and subtilities of the most complex classical, jazz and pop music scores. For this reason choose the 4/3D!



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